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Hi! My name is Juliann Johnson (formerly Faucette) and I am here to share my volleyball and music journey with you. If you’re wondering, I started singing as far back as I can remember. I sang throughout high school and into college in choirs, musicals and sang the National Anthem for athletic events and even for my own volleyball matches. Volleyball and music have always been at the forefront of my life, with volleyball taking precedence on most occasions. It wasn’t until I was seriously injured during my pro career in China in 2016, that I began to really hone in on my music. That was the year my EP (extended play; a term used in the music industry for a short album) was born: Complete. Complete is an album consisting of 7 songs (in numerology the number 7 means completion) that I wrote during a time when I was facing an identity crisis and needed an outlet. I couldn’t play the sport that made me who I was, I was seriously depressed and needed to face myself. The album quickly became my motivation and the lyrics are a product of my work towards healing. I learned that I am more than just a volleyball player. I learned that writing music and singing were big parts of me too. I realized when I put my time and energy into them, it enhanced me as a player and person.


After I took a step away from playing volleyball, I started working for a company called BSN Sports. This great company has allowed me to stay in the realm of volleyball mentoring, teaching and coaching players and coaches around the nation. My goal with everything I am doing is to share and encourage. My heart is for young athletes to know that they are enough, that they have confidence in themselves to accomplish their goals, and that they can become their own biggest fan.


In 2019, I set out to put a podcast into the world that highlights high level athletes and their passions outside of the sport they play. Behind the Athlete. The goal with this podcast is to show young athletes that there is so much more to them than the sport that they play. That it’s OK to pursue your other passions and explore who you are deep within. Similar to what I found in my music, I find that these athletes learn that they value their time away from the court/field, and that whatever they decide to explore becomes an escape from the pressures and intensity of sport. It actually enhances their game. Through this platform, I hope to inspire and ignite a fire within you to be more than you thought you could ever be. Join me!